La mostra Verso Est. Chinese Architectural Landscape riflette la fisionomia dei paesaggi architettonici cinesi dell'ultima decade presentando i progetti di architetti e artisti della nuova generazione cresciuti e maturati alla stessa velocità del processo di sviluppo nazionale. The exhibition VERSO EST. Chinese Architectural Landscape reflects the physiognomy of China's architectural landscapes from the past decade. The MAXXI will present architects and artists who have developed and matured at the same speed as the processes of national growth, with projects that speak about the primary aspects of Chinese society and the life of the Chinese people. MAXXI, 29 luglio - 23 ottobre 2011 a cura di/ curated by Fang Zhenning una coproduzione/ organized by MAXXI e NAMOC - National Art Museum of China, Beijing e CIEA/ CAEG - China International Exhibition Agency of China Arts and Entertainment Group, Beijing


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