ArtBabble: James McBride
enSpike Lee and James McBride on Miracle at St. Anna (LIVE from the NYPL) 9/26/08
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<a href="/series/film">Film</a> </div>
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<a href="/series/film">Film</a> </div>
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<a href="/partner/new-york-public-library">The New York Public Library</a> </div>
<p>SPIKE LEE & JAMES McBRIDE in conversation with Paul Holdengräber on "Miracle at St. Anna," LIVE from the NYPL, September 26, 2008.</p>
<p>Spike Lee's new film, "Miracle at St. Anna," chronicles the story of four black American soldiers who are members of the US Army as part of the all African-American 92nd Buffalo Soldier Division stationed in Tuscany, Italy during World War II. Based on the novel and with screenplay by James McBride, it is a story about redemption and triumph over the bleakest of experiences.</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> SoldiersFilmJames McBrideLIVE from the NYPLLIVE ShortsMiracle at St AnnaNew York Public LibraryNYPLracismSpike LeeThe New York Public Library, 01 Apr 2009 21:14:43 +0000[email protected]2297 at