Art Deco - Treasures of The New York Public Library



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Paul Baxter's Blog
For more fashion and design history from Paula Baxter, check out her New York Public Library blog,

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NYPL has more than 400 images of Art Deco patterns online
Can't visit the The New York Public Library in person? NYPL has more than 400 images of Art Deco patterns online,¬word=&f=2

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More images of Paul Poiret fashion
More images of Paul Poiret fashion are available in The New York Public Library's Digital Gallery

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Sonia Delaunay fashions and colors
Check out the colors and fashions used by designer Sonia Delaunay in The New York Public Library's Digital Gallery,

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Early photos of the Empire State Building
For more than 200 early photos of the Empire State Building check out The New York Public Library's Digital Gallery

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Art Deco Research Guide
Crave even more information about Art Deco at The New York Public Library? Here's a research guide

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Channels: Fashion

Art Deco captured the mood of 1920s and 1930s modernism, an age of jazz and streamlined machinery, with designs that are colorful, geometric, and filled with an intense rhythm. Watch as curators from The New York Public Library showcase Art Deco prints from the Art & Architecture Division's collections.

This was splendid. Highly Rec. it.

is this site just videos? wtf?

I Love it. Art Deco hotels are my favorite and maintain their appeal over many years.

For more fashion and design history from Paula Baxter, check out her New York Public Library blog

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