Baroque Art in Flanders and Holland: An Overview



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Where are these paintings and who commissioned them?
Rubens' triptych, the Elevation of the Cross, is located at the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp, Belgium and was commissioned as an altarpiece for that church. Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson of Dr.

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As always, the website of the National Gallery in Washington D.C. does a great job of setting works of art in context. It explores the different environments these two great 17th-Century Baroque artists worked in—Rubens in Catholic Flanders and Rembrandt in the Protestant republic of Holland.

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Rubens's Elevation of the Cross is a 15 foot altarpiece

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A conversation about the Baroque style in Catholic Flanders and Protestant Holland as exemplified by Peter Paul Rubens's Elevation of the Cross, oil on canvas, 1610-11 (Cathedral of Our Lady, Antwerp) and Rembrandt van Rijn's Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp, oil on canvas, 1632, (Mauritshuis, The Hague).

Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker

I am a docent and appreciate finding all types of art sites. The live comments are wonderful and very educational Thank you.

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