Catherine Sullivan



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Repeat performance: the art of Catherine Sullivan
You should not drink from the dish, but with a spoon as is proper." So reads a line from a fifteenth-century German book of manners, as cited by Norbert Elias in his classic sociological study The Civilizing Process. But if the spoon figures relatively early in etiquette literature, its use was not widely adopted until the mid-sixteenth century and, even then, only for eating from a communal bowl.

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Sean Griffin
Composer and interdisciplinary artist Sean Griffin lives and works in Los Angeles. He has developed compositional and interdisciplinary methodologies positioned at the intersection of sound and performance, creating large and small-scale concert works, collaborative sound and video installations, and film scores.

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The neanderthal is an extinct member of the Homo genus that is known from Pleistocene specimens found in Europe and parts of western and central Asia. Neanderthals are either classified as a subspecies of humans (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) or as a separate species (Homo neanderthalensis).

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Joachim Neander
Joachim Neander (1650 – 31 May 1680) was a German Reformed (Calvinist) Church teacher, theologian and hymn writer whose most famous hymn, Praise to The Lord, The Almighty, the King of Creation (German: Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren) is generally regarded as one of the greatest hymns of praise of the Christian church and, since being translated into English by Catherine Winkworth in the 19th Century, it has appeared in most major hymnals.

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Composer's Neanderthal recreation
A musical experience with a difference is being previewed at the National Museum Wales in Cardiff - an attempt to recreate the sound of the Neanderthals.

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Catherine Sullivan's works combine the disciplines of theater, dance, film, music and visual art. Her true medium is the ensemble itself, and her works most often involve multiple collaborators. She has had major exhibitions at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota (2007); Tate Modern, London (2005); Vienna Secession, Austria (2005); Kunsthalle Zurich, Switzerland (2005) and the Hammer Museum (2002). Her work has been included in the Prague Biennial (2005); the Whitney Biennial (2004); and La Biennale d’art contemporain de Lyon, France (2003).

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