China Downtown -- March 2009



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LIMN Art Gallery: China Avant Garde -- Landscape In Transit
LIMN Art Gallery Director Christine Duval describes the San Francisco gallery's March 2009 exhibition, China Avant Garde -- Landscape in Transit, which features the work of contemporary Chinese artists Han Bing, Yang Yongliang, and Zhang Wei.

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Ren Ming: Poetry in Painting
Painter Ren Ming discusses his March 2007 POETRY IN PAINTING exhibition at LIMN Art Gallery in San Francisco.

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Mark Wolfe Contemporary Art: A (re) turn to (re) form
Mark Wolfe introduces A (re) turn to (re) form, the March 2009 exhibition at his San Francisco gallery. The show features the work of three contemporary Chinese artists, Gao Yuan, Wang Tiande, and Hong Lei.

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Gao Yuan: Portraits
Chinese photographer Gao Yuan discusses her photo "mash-ups" of mothers and babies featured in the March 2009 A (re)turn to (re)form exhibition at Mark Wolfe Contemporary Art in San Francisco. The portraits were inspired by the widely recognized image of the Madonna and Child and represent growth and transition in the new China.

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Wang Tiande: Landscapes
Artists Wang Tiande's discusses his calligraphy and photographic landscapes made of burnt scrolls and ashes featured in the March 2009 exhibition A (re)turn to (re)form at Mark Wolfe Contemporary Art in San Francisco.

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Educator Guide
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In March 2009, GALLERY CRAWL visits with two of the three Chinese artists featured in A (RE) TURN TO (RE) FORM at Mark Wolfe Contemporary Art. Both artists call on tradition and transformation to inform their digital artworks.

In a nearby neighborhood, local artist Ming Ren discusses the spontaneity behind his newest landscapes at LIMN Gallery, a space dedicated to highlighting the work of contemporary Chinese artists. Curator Christine Duval introduces another exhibition, CHINA AVANT GARDE - LANDSCAPE IN TRANSIT featuring three artists who collectively comment on the changing face of China.

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