Interview with Pablo Bartholomew



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Rubin Museum of Art
The Rubin Museum of Art (RMA) is home to a comprehensive collection of art from the Himalayas and surrounding regions. The artistic heritage of this vast and culturally varied area of the world remains relatively obscure. Through changing exhibitions and an array of engaging public programs, RMA offers opportunities to explore the artistic legacy of the Himalayan region and to appreciate its place in the context of world cultures.

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Pablo Bartholomew discusses the influence of his family, especially his father, on his foray into photography.

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Pablo Bartholomew discusses the first part of his career, and his first "break" into the business.

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The Naga Tribe
Pablo Bartholomew disscuses the factors that would lead to his interest in photographing the Naga Tribe.

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Nagaland Today
Pablo Bartholomew discusses the western influences on Nagaland, and how he tries to capture the old traditions that are quickly disappearing.

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The Photographs
Pablo Bartholomew discusses his favorite images in the exhibition, and how he feels about his work.

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Pablo Bartholomew discusses the endless nature of photography and the challenges that one faces in photographing remote locations in disputed land.

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Pablo Bartholomew's Website
Pablo Bartholomew's personal website, featuring many types of photography.

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Nagas:Hill People of India at The Rubin Museum of Art
Nagas:Hill People of India Photographs by Pablo Bartholomew March 13, 2009 - September 21, 2009

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Interview with Pablo Bartholomew, in conjunction with the exhibit "Nagas: Hill People of India Photographs by Pablo Bartholomew" which ran from March 13, 2009 - September 21, 2009 at the Rubin Museum of Art.

"Residing in the low Himalayan hills of northeastern India and Myanmar (Burma), the Nagas are a people faced with both tradition and transition. This very diverse community is divided into a number of tribes and sub-tribes and speaks as many as 30 different languages. In Nagas: Hidden Hill People of India photographer Pablo Bartholomew offers a visual anthropology of these historical headhunters, particularly the preservation of their traditional culture and their interaction with and adoption of Western religion and influence."

If you have been here and listened to this interview you may want to look at the complete set of Naga images online at:

Other links you may want to check out are about my father
Richard Bartholomew and his photo exhibition "A Critic's Eye"

And my teenage documentary work in the form of a diary as an exhibition at


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