Jessica Stockholder: Master Papermaker Paul Wong

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Art21 first featured artist Jessica Stockholder in 2005
Watch the original & uncut 13 minute film online! (via Hulu)

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See the Finished Works
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Master Papermaker Paul Wong discusses his collaboration with artist Jessica Stockholder during her residency at the Dieu Donné Papermill in New York.

A pioneer of multimedia genre-bending installations, Jessica Stockholder’s site-specific interventions and autonomous floor and wall pieces have been described as "paintings in space." Her work is energetic, cacophonous, and idiosyncratic, but closer observation reveals formal decisions about color and composition, and a tempering of chaos with control.

VIDEO | Producer: Wesley Miller and Nick Ravich. Interview: Susan Sollins. Camera & Sound: Mead Hunt and Merce Williams. Editor: Mary Ann Toman. Artwork Courtesy: Jessica Stockholder. Special Thanks: Paul Wong and Dieu Donné Papermill, New York.

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00:00:11 [STOCKHOLDER] Can we mix some abaca with this red?

00:00:15 [WONG] Okay.

00:00:16 [STOCKHOLDER] And add a little pink to it, like make it a little some magenta to it?

00:00:22 [WONG] Papermaking was really invented in 105 AD in China, so it’s been around and Jessica and I approached it by forming the paper pulp very non-traditionally.

00:00:37 [STOCKHOLDER] Would it work to have like some parts abaca and some parts cotton? So we can do that too, kind of mix it up a little.

00:00:46 [WONG] Okay.

00:00:47 Because of her sense of not knowing what the traditional methods are, she as an artist could have the freedom to come in contact with the materials

00:01:02 and to be able to actually create the image from her own impetus.

00:01:10 [STOCKHOLDER] This one is a very old slimy one. What do you think that is?

00:01:14 [WONG] I think it's just like dried up...but it will be fine.

00:01:22 Jessica just jumped right in. She really like saw all the elements or all the variables at hand and was able to grab at each thing intuitively.

00:01:39 I think that was kind of an exciting way that you don’t always see an artist exploiting during the collaboration.

00:01:52 I was, you know, really excited by her sense of freedom to you know just grab on to the materials and just to see what was gonna happen.