Mark Dion: "Neukom Vivarium"



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Art21 first featured artist Mark Dion in 2007
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Own Season 4 Today: DVD or iTunes
Mark Dion is featured in the Art21 episode "Ecology" along with fellow artists Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Robert Adams, and Ursula von Rydingsvard. The Season 4 DVD features 4 episodes, 16 artists, and is available from PBS and Amazon.

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Exclusive Episode #012: Mark Dion leads discussion of his installation Neukom Vivarium (2006) at the Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle

Mark Dion’s work examines the ways in which dominant ideologies and public institutions shape our understanding of history, knowledge, and the natural world. Appropriating archeological and other scientific methods of collecting, ordering, and exhibiting objects, Dion creates artworks that question the distinctions between "objective" (”rational”) scientific methods and "subjective" (”irrational”) influences.

Learn more about Mark Dion:

VIDEO | Producer: Susan Sollins & Nick Ravich. Camera: John Gordon Hill. Sound: Charles Tomaras. Editor: Steven Wechsler. Artwork courtesy: Mark Dion. Thanks: Olympic Sculpture Park.

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