On Procession: Interchange Parade in Time Lapse

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What's Indianapolis like?
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On Procession: The Official Website
Get the scoop on who participated in this one-of-a-kind IMA event.

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Bird's Eye View of the Parade
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The History of Indianapolis
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What kind of camera did we use?
For you videographer buffs, we used a Canon XL2 for this shoot. It was a windy day, so we had to secure the tripod and camera on this roof by using some furniture!

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The Art Parade Group on Flickr
In support of this procession, staff at the IMA created an Art Parade Group on Flickr. You can post any of your art parade photos into this group.

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The real On Procession: Interchange Parade
Interested in seeing what the actual parade looked like? Check out this comprehensive documentary on the procession, artists and floats.

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Check out the IMA online
Like the On Procession Art Parade? Check out what's happening now at the IMA.

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The exhibition On Procession was accompanied by a parade in Indianapolis on April 26, 2008. That parade, conceived as an extension of the exhibition, was developed with local partners and was comprised of commissioned artworks, a series of community workshops with master craftspersons, and an open call for participation.

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