Movie Palace



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David Beck's "Movie Palace"
Movie Palace is an elaborate kinetic sculpture that combines Hollywood escapism with the innocent pleasures of windup toys. Beck remembers movie going as a social experience that is disappearing from American culture today.

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Water Gilding
Water Gilding is one of the oldest techniques for applying gold leaf. Thin coats of a mixture of water, alcohol, and glue are brushed onto the surface of the object. The gold leaf is applied on top of this water using a gilders tip. As the water evaporates the leaf will adhere to the surface. Once dry it is ready for burnishing with agate stones.

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Booth Girl by Wayne Thiebaud
Wayne Thiebaud painted Booth Girl in 1964. According to David Beck, the woman working in the ticket booth has Thiebaud's wife's haircut.

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King Kong (1933)
King Kong was released in the spring of 1933. In this movie, a film crew goes to an exotic island hoping to make a spectacular film. Instead, they find a giant gorilla who falls in love with the leading star, Ann Darrow, played by Jump | More
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David Beck's Movie Palace

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