In the Studio: Oliver Herring



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Slash: Paper under the Knife
Slash celebrates paper, be it cut, torn, burnt, folded, spindled, or mutilated. Oliver Herring is one of more than 50 artists working in the medium that are included in the exhibition.

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Art21 Artist Profile
Herring is a star on AB - he's featured in no less than 4 videos on the site, including a very nice brief bio at the link. Although the medium is different, the approach is very much the same: Herring forms a personal relationship with the subject(s), and that relationship becomes an important part of the creative process.

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other photo sculptures
Herring has completed a number of photo sculptures, most of which are done in regular flesh tones and so are eerily life-like. photo:

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This video was shot in Herring's studio, a few weeks before Alex was actually finished. The black parts of the model hint at how the work is created. Herring first creates a full-scale model out of carved foam, painted black. This model is the base for the cut-paper photos, which have been altered to show the bright colors you see in the finished piece.

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further listening
If the videos here aren't enough for you, you should check out this very nice interview Herring did with WUNC back in November of 2009.

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Channels: Oliver Herring

Contemporary Artist Oliver Herring works in a variety of media, including film, woven mylar, and paper. In this regard, he is similar to many of the other artists from the exhibition Slash: Paper under the Knife. For Herring, cut paper becomes a powerful expressive tool in the service of what he calls 'photo sculptures.'

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