Theaster Gates - Thumping Wisconsin



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Theaster Gates
Theaster Gates is a Chicago based potter, performance artist, and teacher. He was featured in the 2010 Whitney Biennial and won the Joyce Foundation grant for his installation, To Speculate Darkly. Click on the link to learn more about his different projects.

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MIlwaukee Art Museum
The Milwaukee Art Museum is dedicated to collecting and preserving art. From April 16-August 10, 2010 it is the site for Theaster Gates's powerful installation, To Speculate Darkly.

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Dave Drake
Dave Drake was a slave potter in 19th century South Carolina. He was unique in that he not only turned beautiful massive pots, but signed his name and wrote couplets on them. This was at a time when it was illegal for slaves to know how to read and write. To learn more about Dave, click on the link below.

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Chipstone Foundation
Chipstone Foundation curator Ethan Lasser curated Theaster Gates's exhibition at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Chipstone is a decorative arts foundation that believes in interpreting decorative arts objects for the contemporary world.

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Thumping Wisconsin was the opening performance for the Theaster Gates installation To Speculate Darkly at the Milwaukee Art Museum. The installation is centered around, and was inspired by, Dave Drake, an antebellum South Carolina potter who signed his name and wrote couplets on his pots. As part of the exhibition Theaster created songs based on Dave's couplets, and had a Chicago/Milwaukee choir perform the pieces. This video, shot by Ray Chi, shows excerpts from the emotionally powerful 40 minute performance at the Milwaukee Art Museum.
One word..."WONDERFUL"

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