YBCA Inside Out: A good idea? The Pilot



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Follow Isaías Rodríguez on Twitter
Tweet! tweet! Follow Isaías Rodríguez, the Interactive Media Producer at YBCA on Twitter. This account highlights media produced on YBCA's exhibitions, performances, film/video screenings, and events.

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Happy surprise birthday Joël!
Joël's department surprises him with a birthday cake but where is Joël? See what happens as the YBCA staff celebrates his birthday without him.

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What else does Nick do at YBCA?
This past spring, YBCA tried to get the attention of the Ellen DeGeneres Show and even though we didn't get on the show, we had a blast trying to get her attention. Watch as Nick and Wren go all over San Francisco trying to get Ellen to buy a YBCA Dream House Raffle ticket. NOTE: The YBCA Dream House Raffle is closed. YBCA thanks everyone for their support!

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What else does Wren do at YBCA?
This past spring, YBCA tried to get the attention of the Ellen DeGeneres Show and even though we didn't get on the show, we had a blast trying to get her attention. Watch as Nick and Wren go all over San Francisco trying to get Ellen to buy a YBCA Dream House Raffle ticket. NOTE: The YBCA Dream House Raffle is closed. YBCA thanks everyone for their support!

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What us Art Savvy?
A ground breaking, interactive, hands on program, that provides a safe space to talk about contemporary art with others that are just as curious as you. Deepen your connection with contemporary art through one of the most respected art education methods in the country. Tour our galleries and participate in a post-tour discussion, receive an overview of contemporary art and an introduction to Visual Thinking Strategies. Space limited.

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Read a letter from Ken Foster, Executive Director at YBCA
Dear Friends, Could this actually be a good time for the arts?

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Channels: Film

A new video series that documents the behind-the-scenes work and highlighted exhibitions, performances, film/video screenings, and community engagement programs presented by Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) in San Francisco.

Good point, the series will not only focus on the staff, but the activity and guest artists that come through YBCA. Stay tuned for new episodes and keep the feedback coming.


Isaías Rodríguez

Would SO much rather see interviews with artists in the exhibitions. It'd be (1) a resource and (2) help the public appreciate YBCA's work. This is kind of narcissistic.

Yeah, that's definetely a good idea. Hope some day it might be something much more complex.
I know a place full of custom written essays hehe

This did not hold my attention, but I could see where things may get interesting in the lives of YBCA staff. There was no introduction to the "characters" or YBCA. There is no music or interludes to carry it through. The set up needs to be thought of like producing a story... stage 1 introduction to the set, the place, the characters, the conflict.

Good luck with your project.
ethan bach

Hi there--pretty cool. I would like to interview them for my show for Voice of America in Washington D.C. I will contact them very soon.

Alexandra Rangel
Arte Kultura
Voice of America
Washington D.C.

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