
MOCAtv - Youtube Curated By (20 of 28)
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Period & Style

From her outposts in Los Angeles and Kansas City, fashion designer Peggy Noland creates costumes and clothes for rock stars, club freaks, and extroverts. Somewhere between avant-garde and radioactive, her guiding aesthetic principle, other than being funny without joking, might be to waste not, want not. Noland has generously and optimistically refracted corporate logos into psychedelic textiles for DIY garments, and transformed chemical-laden refuse into a Claes Oldenberg-style installation. Curating for MOCAtv, Noland selects videos in which subjects perform a similar transubstantiation, such as a "haul video" from a seriously sincere shopper, an advertisement by Charlie White which casts teenage ephemera into a world of pink, and a drag performer in the Philippines who appears to exorcise her horrifying demons with the weapon of Whitney Houston. Another is a bedroom confessional which Noland says sums up her worldview: all of you haters out there, don't comment and don't subscribe.


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