Art Institute Installations: Robert Gober's Untitled (1994-95) and Untitled (1989-96)



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Works by Robert Gober at the Art Institute of Chicago

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Details of Gober's Untitled 1989–96 at the Art Institute

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Contemporary Art at the Art Institute of Chicago

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The Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago

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The Modern Wing contains two galleries devoted exclusively to the work of Robert Gober. Watch as the works Untitled (1994-95) and Untitled (1989-96) are installed in the Art Institute's new contemporary galleries. In Gober's words, "The painful imagery depicted on the wallpaper in this 1989 installation was meant as a reminder of fact—the ugly and unforgettable reality of the United States’ history."

I don't know why the vedio can't been seen!

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