Brice Marden- Cold Mountain

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Brice Marden: A Retrospective of Paintings and Drawings at SFMOMA
This interview with Brice Marden was conducted at SFMOMA during a 2007 retrospective of his work.

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Han Shan (Poet, T'ang Dynasty)
on Wikipedia: Hanshan was a legendary figure associated with a collection of poems from the Chinese Tang Dynasty in the Taoist and Chan tradition. He is honored as an incarnation of the Bodhisattva -figure Manjusri in Zen lore.

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Other paintings from the Cold Mountain series (1991-1992)
Other paintings from the Cold Mountain series (1991-1992)

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In case you want to try Marden's painting technique on your own...

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T'ien T'ai Mountains
From a very early period the T'ian T'ai mountain chain was considered holy,

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The meaning of "Cold Mountain"
The name of Han Shan, the poet whose work inspired Marden's painting, literally means: Cold Cliff, Cold Mountain, or Cold Peak.

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More about Brice Marden
On Wikipedia: At SFMOMA:

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Painter Brice Marden describes the inspirations behind the painting Cold Mountain (1989-1991).

thatoneguy, Winnie the Pooh????

a new jp ... should do one on the SACRED MOUNTAIN
keep it up BM


This is a nice intro vid the Cold Mountain works. I wish I'd had a camera to record a discussion Marden had with the Contemporary Curator at the Dallas Museum of Art in late 90s in a capacity-filled auditorium. It was incredible. The curator started the discussion with one of those artspeak intros about the rise and fall/push-pull between abstraction and figurative painting in the late 20th century. After the 3 min intro to the question, the curator asked Marden what he thought about the current state of painting (or something like that) and whether abstraction was on the ascendence. Marden looked at him and said simply, "I have no idea." You could hear a pin drop. I have to say it was hilarious (except for the curator).

Nice job. Very effectively dramatized the scale of Marden's paintings, particularly in relation to his own body and gestures. Literally a mountain Marden has to climb up to paint. Scale can be a difficult thing to do in video - where paintings often get flattened out and decontextualized - and particularly difficult in the confines of an internet video player.

Great new site...YEAH!

I really like the content on here - this video is really nice - it really gives me a great sense of the artist. It's really incredible how 3D these look. I also really appreciated the image of the T'ien T'ai Mountains.

Brice will surely be getting some new fans (me included). Would have never seen this video if not for this site. Thanks for posting!

Just heard Brice Marden on Cold Mountain
I loved this brief encounter. The painting needs no mediation. Having made that observation my perspective is enriched by Mr. Marden's explications.
This is my first time here. There is no second chance on a first impression. This site is WOWSIE!!! TO THE NTH DEGREE!!!


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