Catherine McDermott, Chair, Introduction to Second Session: Making at the International Design Symposium

European Design Trailer

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Organized by the Indianapolis Museum of Art in cooperation with the Denver Art Museum and Kingston University, London, this exhibition redefines two recent major movements—Modernism and Postmodernism—which have not only shaped design in Europe but have also had a profound impact worldwide. View 250 works of furniture, glass, ceramics, metalwork and more, created by some of the most influential artists of our time.
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European Design Trailer
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Here's "The Book"
For those wanting to take away more than good memories from the exhibition, an illustrated catalogue featuring essays by curator Craig Miller, as well as by Penny Sparke and Catherine McDermott of Kingston University in London, is available for purchase online and at the IMA. Here's "the link."

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Channels: European Design

Catherine McDermott, who set up a masters programme at Kingston University with the Design Museum London, "Curating Contemporary Design," discusses the the contemporary curating of design at the European Design Symposium hosted by the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

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