Design by the Book - Episode 1

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The New York Public Library holds a wealth of unexpected sources of inspiration for artists and designers: from vintage valentines and textile patterns, to fabric samples and turn-of-the-century menus from around the world. For this online-only miniseries, Design by the Book, NYPL partnered with the leading design blog Design*Sponge to invite five New York City-based artists to sift through its collections in search of inspiration. Watch as the artists, who range from a glassblower to a letterpress printer, create unique works inspired by what they found. The artists are: Lorena Barrezueta, Rebecca Kutys, Mike Perry, John Pomp, and Julia Rothman. Music for the series was provide by Clear Tigers.

This is great, I'm very excited to see what happens!

This was really nice to start the day with. Can't wait to see episode two when I get home from work!

What a cool idea to connect these artists with the NYPL collection! Makes me want to see the next installments...

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