Design by the Book - Episode 4



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Listen, lady
Lorena Barrezueta, who has a popular line of jewelery called "Listen Lady," created a special porcelain tile just for "Design by the Book"

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Get your hands dirty
For an inspirational kick, check out New York Public Librarian Jessica Pigza's blog all about handmade culture

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Lost in the stacks?
The "stacks" is library lingo for the area where the books are shelved. At The New York Public Library's main Steven A. Schwartzman Building, the stacks occupy seven levels directly below the main reading room. Architect Lord Norman Foster was hired in 2008 to convert this space into a new circulating library. The stacks will move underneath nearby Bryant Park

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More from the Design by the Book series

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Want to see more?
Check out even more images of images of all the final artworks inspired by research at The New York Public Library at Design*Sponge

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A complete research guide
New York Public Library reference librarian Jessica Pigza created a research guide to help you find your own inspiration at the library

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Show us your stuff!
Show us what you've got! Contribute images of your own library-inspired project to the "Design by the Book" flickr group at

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The final reveal! Grace Bonney visits our five artists in Brooklyn one last time to see the final results of their creative adventure at the New York Public Library.

I never knew that the library could be such a big help in brainstorming ideas. This will help me so much in my upcoming projects!

What a great series! I am truly inspired! I am in the process of curating a book exhibition, and this series has opened up a whole new arena to explore- not just books themselves, but what they inspire! Bravo!

I started my own "journey" back into the libraries where I currently live....
Plus I am also intrigued with the thought of going to the various ART museum libraries which carry a WEALTH of old-out of print-rare books for research & artistic development.

This video series was truly inspirational. I'm a book junky, and love spending hours in the book store, library, or antique stores looking at old books, or books with a vintage feel. There is just a certain knowledge and history in old books, or just books period that a lot of people seem to just toss a side. The best part is skimming over the words, and just looking at the pictures and beautiful type design, but that's just because I'm an artist. :D

I hope to see another series like this, maybe a different library, or maybe just a different set of artists. Either way, I really enjoyed this series. :)

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