Eleanor Antin: "Helen's Odyssey"



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Art21 first featured artist Eleanor Antin in 2003
Watch the original & uncut film online! (via Hulu)

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Own Season 1 & 2 Today: DVD or iTunes
Eleanor Antin is featured in the Art21 episode "Humor" along with fellow artists Walton Ford, Elizabeth Murray, and Raymond Pettibon. The Season 1 & 2 DVD features 8 episodes, 37 artists, and is available from PBS and Amazon.

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Who was Helen of Troy?
Abducted from Sparta by the young prince Paris of Troy:

"Helen of Sparta was perhaps the most inspired character in all literature, ancient or modern. A whole war, one which lasted for ten years, was fought over her. Not only that, nearly all the myths of the heroic age were threaded together in such a way that this most idealized of all wars was the culmination of various exploits, including the Argonaut, the Theban wars, and the Calydonian boar hunt. It is as though this event was in the destiny of every dynasty formed from the beginning of things."
— Robert E. Bell

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Helen of Troy in Art
Helen has been depicted for centuries by notable painters such as Gustave Moreau, Jacques-Louis David, and Tintoretto.

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The Judgement of Paris by Rubens
Eleanor Antin based this photograph on a 1632-5 painting by Peter Paul Rubens, now at The National Gallery in London.

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Zeuxis et les filles de Crotone by François-André Vincent
Eleanor Antin based this photograph off a 1789 painting by François-André Vincent which depicts the story of the painter Zeuxis who was commissioned to produce a picture of Helen for the temple of Hera at Agrigentum, Sicily. To realize his task, Zeuxis chose the five most beautiful maidens in the region.

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Helen's Vengeance
Helen's Vengeance from Helen's Odyssey, 2007 Chromogenic print, 77 1/2 x 61 inches. Edition of 5 Courtesy the artist and Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York

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Constructing Helen
Constructing Helen from Helen's Odyssey, 2007 Chromogenic print, 61 x 105 3/4 inches. Edition of 5. Courtesy the artist and Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York

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Exclusive Episode #015: Eleanor Antin's exhibition Helen's Odyssey (2007) installed at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts in New York. Antin discusses the historical figure Helen of Troy, and how she became the inspiration for photographic works such as Constructing Helen (2007).

An influential performance artist, filmmaker, photographer, and installation artist, Eleanor Antin delves into history—whether of ancient Rome, the Crimean War, the salons of nineteenth-century Europe, or her own Jewish heritage and Yiddish culture—as a way to explore the present. Antin is a cultural chameleon, masquerading in theatrical or stage roles to expose her many selves.

Learn more about Eleanor Antin: http://www.art21.org/artists/eleanor-antin

VIDEO | Producer: Wesley Miller & Nick Ravich. Camera & Sound: Larissa Nikola-Lisa. Additional Footage: Daniel Martinico. Editor: Jennifer Chiurco. Artwork courtesy: Eleanor Antin. Thanks: Ronald Feldman Fine Arts.

great job

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