Makkink & Bey: The future office



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Makkink & Bey
In 2002 Rianne Makkink and Jurgen Bey established Studio Makkink & Bey in Rotterdam. Jurgen Bey (1965) sometimes calls himself a ‘philosophical designer’. Through his designs, lectures and teaching, he contributes to the international discussion about the role of design and the environment. Also Rianne Makkink (1964) considers research, theory and education as important areas of her professional activity.

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Prooff Lab
Prooff offers a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing knowledge about the ‘progressive office’.

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Research in time use
The time use of Dutch citizens has been followed intensively by the Netherlands Institute for Social Research since 1979. This research points out that the amount of time spend in paid labour has generally increased the last decennia.

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According to Jurgen Bey (1965): ‘Looking at the world from another angle – from behind – offers enormous beauty…’ His designs derive from a defiance of logic. Through observation and contemplation he finds the inspiration to sketch an alternative view of the world. Studio Makkink & Bey undertook a study into mobility and work for Prooff, manufacturers of furniture for the ‘progressive office’.

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