Studio Wieki Somers: Merry-go-round coatrack



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Studio Wieki Somers
For more information, see Studio Wieki Somers' website

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Cloackroom Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Wieki Somers’s cloackroom is situated in the entrance area of the museum, that can be visited without entrance ticket. In 2008 the occasional designers collective, was invited to redesign the several public services in this part of the building. Studio Wieki Somers was part of this collective.

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Bath boat
The bath boat is part of the collection of Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam.

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Cor Unum, Den Bosch, Holland
Cor Unum, Den Bosch, Holland.

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Studio Wieki Somers’ products are like ‘metaphors of everyday life’. Wieki Somers does not take the existing world for granted. Why are everyday things the way they are? Her transformation of everyday objects results in new and unexpected forms. For her, the inherent qualities of particular materials contribute to the meaning of her products. Her search for new forms is carried out with great attention to experimentation, the tactile qualities of materials and detailing.

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