Meet Will Barnet

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"I'm not a colorist in the usual sense."
"I have always searched for clarity and harmony over violence, chaos and accidents." --The artist, 1989, quoted in Will Barnet, Springfield Art Museum, 2001

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New England Light
The Blue Thread Will Barnet, 1984 oil on canvas 38 3/8 x 72 3/8 in. (97.4 x 83.9 cm.) Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Frank K. Ribelin and museum purchase through the Luisita L. and Franz H. Denghausen Endowment 1996.72

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Recurring Themes
Woman and Cats Will Barnet, 1962 Will Barnet (Printer) color woodcut on paper image: 22 7/8 x 24 1/2 in. (58.1 x 62.2 cm) Smithsonian American Art Museum Gift of Harry W. Zichterman in memory of Joshua C. Taylor 1981.140 He experimented with abstraction for several years, aiming to "eliminate realistic space" in favor of simple geometric forms. His later work is more representational and focuses almost entirely on the female form, emphasizing the contrast between natural curves and rigidly composed backgrounds of horizontal and vertical forms.

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Composition and Landscape
Labor (Workers) Will Barnet, 1935 aquatint and etching on paper 9 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (25.1 x 25.1 cm) Smithsonian American Art Museum Transfer from D.C. Public Library 1967.72.14

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Janus and the White Vertebra
Janus and the White Vertebra Will Barnet, 1955 oil on canvas 41 1/8 x 23 7/8 in. (104.4 x 60.7 cm.) Smithsonian American Art Museum Gift of Mr. Wreatham E. Gathright 1986.73

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Big Grey
Big Grey Will Barnet, 1962 color woodcut on paper image: 26 3/8 x 20 3/8 in. (67.1 x 51.9 cm) Smithsonian American Art Museum Given in memory of Peter Deitsch 1974.67

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Positano 1960 Will Barnet oil on canvas 57 x 42 1/4 in. (144.8 x 107.3 cm) Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 1969.47.4

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Other Works by Will Barnet
View other works by Will Barnet in the collection of the American Art Museum.

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"I have always searched for clarity and harmony over violence, chaos and accidents."

--Will Barnet

I enjoyed the video.I like his emphasis on clarity,harmony over violence. Allan Frumkin told me he thought violence was important in modern art. Winston Hough

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