Non-Violent Femmes -- April 2009

Tara Tucker: Foreign Relations

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Artist Tara Tucker discusses her April 2009 FOREIGN RELATIONS exhibition at Rena Bransten Gallery in San Francisco.
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Melanie Pullen: Violent Times
Photographer Melanie Pullen discusses her April 2009 exhibition, VIOLENT TIMES, at the Stephen Wirtz Gallery in San Francisco.

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Tara Tucker: Foreign Relations
Artist Tara Tucker discusses her April 2009 FOREIGN RELATIONS exhibition at Rena Bransten Gallery in San Francisco.

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Marci Washington: Dark Mirror
Marci Washington discusses the backstory to her April 2009 exhibition, DARK MIRROR, at Rena Bransten Gallery in San Francisco.

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In April 2009, GALLERY CRAWL visits with Melanie Pullen to learn more about her series and meta-series of photographs on the topic of war, and how they relate to her highly successful HIGH FASHION CRIME SCENES exhibition and catalog from 2005. Employing movie studios and fashion models, Pullen spent years staging scenes for her VIOLENT TIMES photographs, which serve as a critique of the media's role in glamorizing war and violence.

Down the block at Rena Bransten Gallery, Marci Washington describes her new series of paintings, DARK MIRROR, and the secret narrative behind the haunting images inspired by cannibalism and vampirism, while Tara Tucker discusses her childhood experiences with taxidermy and her current show FOREIGN RELATIONS, which calls on animals to represent stories of human conflict.

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