Object Lab- Clay



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Beggars Chicken
This recipe explains how to cook chicken inside a clay dough.

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This video shows an overview of Chipstone's Object Lab clay workshop, in which students came to Chipstone to work with and learn about ceramics.

This is so cool i like this place it is awesome. I am enjoying hangout with everyone. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:) savannah is super awesome.. hence the b.a. computer that she is typing on!! WOOOO!!!!!!

I'm sorry, I've tried to post a response a couple of times, but for some reason my computer keeps timing out. I am in the process of getting the exact process that we used for the clay chicken. I really hope that your class still has time to make it!

I love artbabble! I never thought you could make chicken inside of clay! I thought the brown and white plate was cool!

love artbabble. i would like to make chicken inside of clay with my students. my grade 5 students would LOVE this. i am an art teacher and i do lots of clay with the students every year. grade 5 is special bcuz they are the oldest in the school and i love to do great new projects with them. this would be so interesting. i would like to know more about the history of cooking the chicken inside of the clay and relate it to that. i traveled in vietnam last year and went to a restaurant that cooked rice inside of clay then the waitstaff thows the clay vessels and they smash and somehow the rice is preserved and served, i think it is wrapped inside of parchment paper within the clay vessels. anyway i would like to find out more from you. how could i do this with my students? i have lots of white clay but no red however i could get red for this project. please let me know asap! thank you , deborah kramer art teacher angier school newton, ma

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