Object Lab-Wood



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A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes
The participants in the Object Lab workshop enjoyed a typical 19th century English worker's pail lunch. This included a slice of cold oatmeal with raisins, whole grain bread and a piece of molasses or chocolate treacle. This 19th century book provides recipes for other foods that the worker of that time might have eaten.

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Great Chair
Luke Beckerdite's article Religion, Artisanry, and Cultural Identity: The Huguenot Experience in South Carolina, 1680–1725 discusses a South Carolina Great Chair, similar to the chair used in the Object Lab.

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Woodworking Tools, 1600-1900
Peter C. Welsh discusses the evolution of woodworking tools from 1600-1900.

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Randy O'Donnell
Randy O'Donnell, featured in the video, is a master woodworker located in Indiana.

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Channels: American Art

As part of the Chipstone Object Lab workshop, Randy O'Donnell demonstrates how a chair would have been made 350 years ago, using period-appropriate tools.

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