Oliver Herring: Participant Davis Thompson-Moss



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Art21 first featured artist Oliver Herring in 2005
Watch the original & uncut 13 minute film online! (via Hulu)

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Own Season 3 Today: DVD or iTunes
Oliver Herring is featured in the Art21 episode "Play" along with fellow artists Ellen Gallagher, Arturo Herrera, and Jessica Stockholder. The Season 3 DVD features 4 episodes, 18 artists, and is available from PBS and Amazon.

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Davis first appeared in Herring's video Pure Sublimation (2000-01)
Davis's first appearance in Oliver's work was an accident, he says:

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This day was later turned into a newspaper-as-artwork
"THE DAY I PERSUADED TWO BROTHERS TO TURN THEIR BACKYARD INTO A MUD POOL," front page 2004 Color inkjet prints on Kitakawa paper with base, 4 1/4 x 28 x 33 inches. Edition of 10 with 2 AP. Originally commissioned by Artpace, San Antonio Courtesy Max Protetch Gallery, New York

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Davis & Joyce Pensato in Herring's BASIC
Artist Joyce Pensato discusses her experiences appearing as a performer in Oliver Herring's videos. The work, which also features participant Davis-Thompson Moss, is the first in a series of Oliver Herring videos that feature the pair of performers.

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Exclusive Episode #071: Among Oliver Herring’s earliest works were his woven sculptures and performance pieces in which he knitted Mylar, a transparent and reflective material, into human figures, clothing and furniture. Since 1998, Herring has created stop-motion videos, photo-collaged sculptures, and impromptu participatory performances with ‘off-the-street’ strangers, embracing chance and chance-encounters in his work.

Learn more about Oliver Herring: http://www.art21.org/artists/oliver-herring

VIDEO | Producer: Wesley Miller and Nick Ravich. Interview: Eve Moros Ortega. Camera & Sound: Joel Shapiro and Roger Phenix. Editor: Jenny Chiurco. Artwork Courtesy: Oliver Herring. Special Thanks: Davis Thompson-Moss.

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00:00:10 Oliver is great with knowing the people he worked with, letting the people he works with express themselves and do what they do best.

00:00:20 He knows that I love to bug out and be crazy and jump around and do anything that’s weird like spit water in people’s faces

00:00:30 or something like that. We filled this place with water and we had, everyone has water in their mouths spit it at other people, spit it at my brother.

00:00:39 My brother came over here spitting into each others faces. Oh, all right. Then he's like mud. I'm like, oh great come over to my house.

00:00:46 Go to my house in the back, flooded my backyard. Me, my brother, and my dog were all running and splashing. It was freezing in the freezing cold mud.

00:00:56 That’s my thing; I love it and Oliver is totally into that. After a couple hours basically it gets hard, but you know what we all get together and we were like alright let's push it, just keep going.

00:01:05 You can’t stop now, we are in the middle of it. So, basically kind of physical, mental tired, you know fatigued from doing it. And we just push through.

00:01:15 So, that’s the most difficult part, but it’s also very beautiful and we always work through and we always get the most beautiful rewarding stuff after working on it,

00:01:24 until we are almost going die. The way we work in a group on these videos is wonderful and anyone can do it in their basement or backyard.