Paul McCarthy: "Piccadilly Circus"



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What else does McCarthy say about this work?
About the work, Paul McCarthy says: "Piccadilly Circus is about Bush but also about reconfiguring images of leadership and buffoonery. Some of its themes are similar to others I've explored over the last thirty years. There's a kind of obsessive behavior that gets repeated. I've been criticized for this, which seems odd to me. In my work, one of the returning themes is futility. But the expression of the futile produces a sort of satisfaction. Futility itself becomes a kind of completion. It's a belief in art." Read the full 1000 word essay (via Artforum).

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Exclusive Episode #083: Artist Paul McCarthy describes the improvisational process and performances behind the video work "Piccadilly Circus" (2003). Filmed at an unoccupied London bank before being renovated by Hauser & Wirth gallery in 2002, and shot several months before the start of the Iraq War, the work features costumed players in the roles of President George W. Bush, Osama Bin Laden, and the Queen Mum (in three versions).

Paul McCarthy's video-taped performances and provocative multimedia installations lampoon polite society, ridicule authority, and bombard the viewer with a sensory overload of often sexually-tinged, violent imagery. With irreverent wit, McCarthy often takes aim at cherished American myths and icons—Walt Disney, the Western, and even the Modern Artist—adding a touch of malice to subjects that have been traditionally revered for their innocence or purity. Whether conflating real-world political figures with fantastical characters such as Santa Claus, or treating erotic and abject content with frivolity and charm, McCarthy's work confuses codes, mixes high and low culture, and provokes an analysis of fundamental beliefs.

Learn more about Paul McCarthy:

VIDEO | Producer: Wesley Miller & Nick Ravich. Interview: Susan Sollins. Camera: Bob Elfstrom. Sound: Doug Dunderdale. Editor: Lizzie Donahue & Paulo Padilha. Artwork Courtesy: Paul McCarthy.

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