Pipilotti Rist lecture 7/11: The screen which distances us from reality



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Tamara Rist
Elixir had a lot of cushions on the floor that were made by Pipilotti’s sister Tamara Rist.

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Times Square
Open My Glade (april 6. 0 May 20. 2000), Rist's first public art project in New York, was composed of 16 one-minute video segments interspersed with NBC and Panasonic programming at a quarter past the hour, every hour from 9:15 am to 12:15 am. Rist's collection of videos, set against Times Square's backdrop of uncoordinated blinking lights and flashing messages, appeared in slow motion. These videos relayed poetic, philosophical, and political statements through close-ups, flying camera work, and intense colours.

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In fashion magazines and in advertisements, women are young, tall, slender and need to have an impeccable skin. In her work at the huge billboard at Times Square in New York Pipilotti Rist’s model doesn’t seem to have any of these characteristics. On the contrary, the artist explains that “in order to get this effect, the model’s skin needed to be a little loose”.

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