Pipilotti Rist lecture 8/11: My crew, my family & permanent installations.



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Les Reines Prochaines
Les Reines Prochaines is a women only music and performance group from Switzerland. Their musical style is an eclectic mixture of pop, tango, folk and classic. They write all their texts and music themselves. Les Reines Prochaines were founded in 1987 by Teresa Alonso, Regina Florida Schmid und Muda Mathis. One year later they were joined by Fränzi Madörin and Pipilotti Rist and later by Gabi Streiff, Sus Zwick, Sibylle Hauert, Michèle Fuchs and Barbara Naegelin. Pipilotti Rist was member of the band from 1988 until 1994.

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Ewelina Guzik
Rist often works with Ewelina Guzik (1977), a red-haired actor and dancer from Poland. She also is the main character in Rist’s first feature film Pepperminta.

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Lungenflügel (2009) was the most recent video installation shown at Elixir.

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Nici Jost
Nici Jost is in Rist’s crew. She made a time lapse movie showing the transformation of the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen during the construction of Elixir. The Dutch filmmaker Marcel Prins registered the process in his own poetic way.

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Ted Noten
Ted Noten (1956) is an internationally renowned Dutch jewellery designer who's work has been purchased for public and private collections all over the world. For the entrance area of the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Noten designed a golden news chart and a new type of admission ticket: a jewel in the form of a small fluorescent letter that changes every day. The letter corresponds to the ‘story of the day’ about a piece in the museum collection or an event behind the scenes.

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Han Nefkens
Han Nefkens (1954) is a Dutch writer and art collector. Laat je Haar neer (Let your Hair Down) is the title of the permanent installation Pipilotti Rist made for the entrance area of Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in 2009.

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Closet Circuit
The work in the restroom is called Closet Circuit and was installed in the Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt and in the Brooklyn Museum in New York.

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At some moments Pipilotti Rist’s lecture at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen gets an intimate quality. You seem to be guided through a photo album, with snapshots from Pipilotti’s youth and college years and portraits from her family and friends. In this part, she thus pays tribute to the people that help her make her art.

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