Gianlorenzo Bernini, St. Teresa in Ecstasy, Cornaro Chapel, 1645-52 (Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome)

Where is The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa?

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The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is the central sculpture in the Cornaro Chapel, a shallow bay off the nave, or central hall, of the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, in Rome.

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Where is The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa?
The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is the central sculpture in the Cornaro Chapel, a shallow bay off the nave, or central hall, of the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, in Rome.

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What else did Bernini create in Rome?
A lot! Many of the city's fountains and monuments, Saint Peter's piazza and the Baldacchino, and of course the extraordinary sculpture in the Galleria Borghese.

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More on the Counter Reformation in Rome
Castel Sant'Angelo, originally build by Hadrian as his own tomb became a well fortified refuge for the Popes in times of war. In 1527, Clement VII, 13 Cardinals, 18 Bishops and 1000 others held out against the siege of Charles V in Castel Sant'Angelo.

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"On Visions," from The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila Herself
From chapter 29 Life of St. Teresa of Jesus, of The Order of Our Lady of Carmel, Saint Teresa of Avila (Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, 1515-1582)

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Simon Schama's superb essay on the sexuality of this "bel composto."

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Gianlorenzo Bernini's intersection of painting, sculpture, and architecture in real and depicted space is the frame for one of the most controversial and successful commissions in Counter-Reformation Rome.

Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker

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