Jacques Louis David, The Death of Socrates, 1787 (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

On the French Revolution and its context

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Shown here, David's preliminary drawing for an unrealized painting, The Oath of the Tennis Court, an event which took place at Versailles, June 20, 1789.

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Where is David's Death of Socrates?
It hangs on the second floor of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

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On the French Revolution and its context
Shown here, David's preliminary drawing for an unrealized painting, The Oath of the Tennis Court, an event which took place at Versailles, June 20, 1789.

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One of David's great pre-revolutionary canvases, The Death of Socrates speaks to the ideals of reform and virtue that preoccupied the French enlightenment and created the context for this magnificent realization of Neo-Classicism.

Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker

This is the worst painting i have ever seen in life. It disgust me to now end in a spiraling hatred of disgustingness and should be burned

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