
Symposium: "American Art in a Global Context"
Friday, September 29, 2006
Session V: North American Crosscurrents

Moderator: Henry Estrada, Smithsonian Latino Center

Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, Blanton Museum of Art, "America/Americas: Placing U.S. Art in a Hemispheric Context"
Frances Pohl, Pomona College, "Revisiting the Relationship between Canadian and American Art and Culture"
Keith Morrison, Tyler School of Art, Temple University, "From Jamaica to New York: The Artist as a Citizen of the World"

This three-day symposium looked at American art in a global context—from circum-Atlantic migrations in the eighteenth century to European training and travel in the late nineteenth century; from the export of U.S. culture and media in the twentieth century to the impact of immigration and globalization on the nation's visual arts in the new millennium.

For more information: http://www.americanart.si.edu/research/symposia/2006/.


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