
Day 2 of “American Art in Dialogue with Africa and Its Diaspora” session on developing a Trans-African Aesthetic. This two-day symposium examined the role of Africa and its diaspora in the development of art of the United States, from nineteenth-century portraiture to American modernism; from the Harlem Renaissance to the contemporary art world.  

Chair: Kelly Quinn, Terra Foundation Project Manager for Scholarly and Educational Initiatives, Archives of American Art.

Jeffrey C. Stewart, Professor of Black Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, “From Transnational to Trans-African: The Circulation of Culture in the Work of Winold Reiss and Romare Bearden.”

Rebecca Keegan VanDiver, Senior Lecturer, Vanderbilt University, “Routes to Roots: Loïs Mailou Jones’s Engagement with Africa and the African Diaspora, 1938–70.” 

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