Gabriel Orozco: "Samurai Tree"



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Art21 first featured artist Gabriel Orozco in 2003
Watch the original & uncut film online! (via Hulu)

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Own Season 1 & 2 Today: DVD or iTunes
Gabriel Orozco is featured in the Art21 episode "Loss & Desire" along with fellow artists Janine Antoni and Collier Schorr. The Season 1 & 2 DVD features 8 episodes, 37 artists, and is available from PBS and Amazon.

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Exclusive Episode #037: Gabriel Orozco discusses recent paintings from his ongoing "Samurai Tree" series, including the works "Fugaz", "Tuttifruti" and "Red Roots" (all 2008), and the computer animation "Dandelion Animation" (2008), shown as part of the exhibition "Gabriel Orozco: Recent Work" (2008) at Marian Goodman Gallery in New York.

Gabriel Orozco's sculptures and photographs disrupt conventional notions of reality. Drawing our attention to slips in logic, philosophical games, and hidden geometries, Orozco uncovers the extraordinary aspects of the seemingly everyday. His use of humble materials and means (graphite on bone, a ball of clay, a 35mm camera) engages the imagination through its disarming simplicity and intimacy.

Learn more about Gabriel Orozco:

VIDEO | Producer: Wesley Miller. Camera & Sound: Larissa Nikola-Lisa. Editor: Mary Ann Toman. Artwork courtesy: Gabriel Orozco. Thanks: Marian Goodman Gallery, New York.

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