Nancy Spero: Leon Golub's "Gigantomachy II"



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Art21 first featured artist Nancy Spero in 2007
Watch the original & uncut film online! (via Hulu)

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Own Season 4 Today: DVD or iTunes
Nancy Spero is featured in the Art21 episode "Protest" along with fellow artists Alfredo Jaar, Jenny Holzer, and An-My Lê. The Season 4 DVD features 4 episodes, 16 artists, and is available from PBS and Amazon.

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Exclusive Episode #028: Leon Golub's Gigantomachy II (1966) and Nancy Spero’s Maypole: Take No Prisoners (2007) in her New York studio.

A pioneer of feminist art, Nancy Spero's work since the 1960s is an unapologetic statement against the pervasive abuse of power, Western privilege, and male dominance. Executed with a raw intensity on paper and in ephemeral installations, her work often draws its imagery and subject matter from current and historical events such as the torture of women in Nicaragua, the Holocaust, and the atrocities of the Vietnam War.

Learn more about Nancy Spero:

VIDEO | Producer: Susan Sollins & Nick Ravich. Camera: Joel Shapiro. Sound: Roger Phenix & Merce Williams. Editor: Lizzie Donahue. Artwork courtesy: Nancy Spero. Thanks: Samm Kunce.

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