Mark Bradford: Paper



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Art21 first featured artist Mark Bradford in 2007
Watch the original & uncut film online! (via Hulu)

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Own Season 4 Today: DVD or iTunes
Mark Bradford is featured in the Art21 episode "Paradox" along with fellow artists Allora & Calzadilla, Robert Ryman, and Catherine Sullivan. The Season 4 DVD features 4 episodes, 16 artists, and is available from PBS and Amazon.

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Exclusive Episode #022: Mark Bradford painting Ridin' Dirty (2006) in his Los Angeles studio.

Mark Bradford transforms materials scavenged from the street into wall-sized collages and installations that respond to the impromptu networks—underground economies, migrant communities, or popular appropriation of abandoned public space—that emerge within a city. Bradford's work is as informed by his personal background as a third-generation merchant in Los Angeles as it is by the tradition of abstract painting developed worldwide in the twentieth century.

Learn more about Mark Bradford:

VIDEO | Producer: Susan Sollins & Nick Ravich. Camera: Bob Elfstrom. Sound: Ray Day. Editor: Monte Matteotti. Artwork courtesy: Mark Bradford.

This Place is awesome!!!!!
this place is awesome! ya buddy
sinclair,ixaya,kelly and larry were here, yah buddy
I think this is great

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