
MOCAtv - Youtube Curated By (8 of 28)
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"I've been thinking a lot about Roger Rabbit," Casey Jane Ellison quips in a stand-up routine, "because I fear getting framed." As an animator, comedian, and performer, Ellison is in the business of generating avatars. She takes flights from self that keep her out of any box, then fakes them so fiercely they become too real. In "It's So Important to Seem Wonderful,"  [] Ellison robs her jokes of a laugh track and her head of hair, displacing her deadpanned self-exploitation onto her animated likeness. Hosting the vlog Status Update, Ellison plays "Case-Case," a Gothed-out SNL drunk girl who newscasts pop-cultural trends with a hairflip, a pose, and a "lol" pronounced without the acronym. Ever the pop (post?) feminist, Ellison curated three unruly women for MOCAtv: Martha Stewart "talking like everyone else is crazy," Serena Williams telling off a referee, and a mother panda sneezing on its kid.


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