Customr: Dome construction for illegal immigrants



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Willem van der Sluis graduated as a fine artist in 1996 from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. He now works as a product designer on client-focussed solutions inspired by technology and nature. His studio is based in Amsterdam.

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Chief Government Architect
The position of Chief Government Architect is intended to stimulate the quality of the architecture in the Netherlands.

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Detention ships, Zaandam, Holland
Since early 2006 in Zaandam, a Dutch town north of Amsterdam, two ships function as detention center’s for illegal immigrants. After being arrested they are brought to these ships to await their transport back to their home countries.

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Geodesic dome
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General pardon
Often it takes years before an appliance is taken into account. In these years, some refugees who only have a temporary proof of admittance, succeed in starting a new life in The Netherlands. They marry, get children, run a business and speak the Dutch language. They still might become illegal though and forced to leave the country. In the political discussion, some plea to admit this whole group indiscriminately.

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Actions against detention center Zaandam
The last few year the immigration and asylum policy was much discussed about in Holland. In Zaandam action groups protested against the detention boats. On YouTube you can still find registrations of such actions.

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Willem van der Sluis (1972) designed a demountable and moveable sports and recreation facility at the detention centre in Zaandam. Asylum seekers who have been denied residence are held here awaiting deportation. Van der Sluis based his design on the classical dome construction. The fencing material has a pattern which filters the light as the leaves of a tree do in nature. At night the ‘sportdomes’, as Van der Sluis calls them, are transformed into beacons of light that point at the hopeless situation of the inhabitants of the center.

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