Object Lab- Blindfold



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The object being touched and described by the students is an early firescreen. Wikipedia gives us a short description of an early fire screen's function

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Anthropomorphism in Furniture
Societies dating back to the Ancient Egyptians have created anthropomorphic decorative objects. This video shows a section from the Hidden Dimensions exhibition devoted to the anthropomorphic qualities of furniture.

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New York Firescreen
Here is an example of a New York City late 18th century firescreen taken from Madison's Digital Library.

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John Singleton Copley’s Furniture and the Art of Invention
Prown's essay on John Singleton Copley discusses the artist's technical prowess as well as his inventive depictions of furniture.

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Channels: American Art

How would you experience objects if you were lacking the sense of sight? This video demonstrates how students participating in Chipstone's Object Lab workshop think about art objects in a different way by describing them using only their sense of touch.

I LOVE ART! IT IS SO COOL. When you take a bunch of trash and glue it together it warms my heart. It is so Artsy. There is nothing i like more then art. I love coming to the IMA and buying 410 dollar plastic lawn chairs. I saw the same one at walmart last week. BUT WAIT!!! they are half off. So, they are only 205 dollars! i gotta take a smoke break cyyaa
I seriously just want to go home.... I HATEE ARTT!!!!
This is a very interesting video. It explores our sense of where we are and how we connect to it. I have to try this!

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