Pipilotti Rist lecture 1/11: I'm not the girl who misses much & pickelporno



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I’m not the girl that misses much
I’m not the girl that misses much is the video with which Pipilotti Rist graduated from art-school in 1986

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pickelporno was made in 1992. Pipilotti’s objective in this video was to visualise sexual arousal. To do this she used a specially adapted piece of filming equipment – a small surveillance camera. The camera is attached to the stem of a flower and attached to the body of a couple who appear to be making love.

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Discussion of female erotics in film
The discussion is ongoing and subject of scientific research, e.g. at The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Indiana University, Bloomington.

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Relativism of seize
Another famous female artist working with relativism of size is Niki de St. Phalle. See for instance her She-cathedral in the Moderna Museet in Stockholm (1966).

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Famous people are nervous too. At the loss of words, Pipilotti starts the lecture with her earliest videos.

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